The end of February and it not looking good My friends

 The watchlist for this week has finally shown up and it’s not short This week was not uneventful but before I begin I’ve got to say hey, to all my new readers

I have to Introduce Myself. My name is Akshith Konda. I’m a 21 year old College Student and I am the CEO, Writer, and, Author, and Editor of The Finance Spot. I do all of this on top of a full time college education. I’m not trying to sound cocky, It’s just something I do for fun.

Lots of people have done things like this but I guess the Finance Sector needed a fresh face. I write easy to understand and simple content for any age group and level of understanding. Finance is not hard it just requires a level of interest and that’s something I have not seen so I set out to change that. Find me on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and Patreon. That last one is where I house my Investors Club Feel free to check it out.

My differentiating factor is that I write a weekly watchlist and do a lot to engage my audience like daily and weekly quotes, risers and fallers and every comment you all make will be replied to and posted on. I also engage with my audience on my social media. Find me on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, those links will be at the bottom!

So To those of you who are new this is how it works. The watch list will consist of about 5–10 of the best performing stocks my reasoning behind that and occasionally I will include a few IPO’s and a couple other stocks or asset classes that you can buy into.

If you want to know more about how @TheFinanceSpot works check out this Link .

So now that you know how it works, let’s get to it.

The Watchlist

The market is in a weird place and though we’ve seen this kind of recovery before but not at this scale. This weeks watchlist might be diverse and a bit focused all at the same time but will contain a bit of an explanation as it goes on.

Tesla(TSLA): While Notorious for his weird tweets and comically hilarious podcasts with Joe Rogan, Elon Musk is not entirely at fault for the giant dip in Tesla Stock. Tesla is a very complex company but they operate in a straight forward manner and only really go in one direction but with a lot of obstacles like this weeks production delay on the Model 3 Assembly line. Tesla lost almost 3 Billion on that alone, Their Austin Gigafactory Opening is also delayed by a month or two so that places them in a deep trench. Elon’s SpaceX is also experiencing some hell as well. As the weather nearly ravaged the state in a centennial winter storm that left almost 25 million people with out any water or power and worse it also closed colleges, schools, office places and stores for days. It’s a big reason why the stock market saw a near collective slide this week but Tesla is on its own way to recovery and right now its at a buy.

Johnson and Johnson(JNJ): Johnson &Johnson is a Pharmaceutical and Household product Juggernaut which produces over 130B in revenue using a library of over 200+ products in various sectors but in 2021 they could hit 1T with the Approval of the new vaccine Variant. There are still over 3.7 Billion people that need to be vaccinated and this vaccine has its advantages as it’s a one dose vaccine. Either way, JNJ is geared up to make that kind of money fast.

Apple(AAPL): As the most successful company on the face of the planet, Apple is destined to ride this wave of prosperity as it grows in value, Apple’s stock is also extremely event based so if an iPhone, iPad, Mac Book or Apple Watch or any Apple Product is released then it affects the stock price. So do harsh critics who have a bone or a few to pick with its products. It’s not even a secret anymore that Apple is trying desperately to move into the automotive field. The outcome of the Anti Trust will also have an impact on the price but for now Apple is a stock to buy.

Twitter(TWTR): I have a bit of an axe to grind with this company, Twitter has been going up steadily so if you own some hold your positions till the Anti trust hearing take place. Twitter may not directly face the senate but it has faced cold remarks from Republican Senators and Democratic Senator alike. If you haven’t caught what I’m saying it’s that Ted Cruz hates free speech. All jokes Aside buy NOW!!

Churchill Capital IV(CCIV): A major SPAC worth in the ballpark of 8 billion CCIV is on it’s way to hitting major milestones, as a SPAC CCIV does not need to manage assets but simply to allow more companies to go public so much faster. The process to go public takes an average of 12–18 months through a direct listing but with a SPAC the time takes about a third of that. SPACs also manage several assets at a time so the profit margins are high and the opportunity cost is also high but the value depends on the asset purchased. CCIV and Lucid are currently in a SPAC deal with Lucid valued at 67B. Lucid is excepted to go public sometime in June but no date has been confirmed. CCIV is good for a hold and if you need to buy do so asap as the stock has lots of good long term


Guys, before we go, I need to say thank you to all my followers on Medium and to all my Subs on YouTube. It’s very hard to build a blog or a YouTube Channel at any level so I must say thank you to each and every single one of you.

If you liked my content, please do go ahead and try to find me on YouTube and subscribe, Check out my other blog all the links will be in my Linktree Below. Check out my other content, like my Patreon or my Instagram and YouTube, and my other social media. The link is below.

Find me on Instagram and on Twitter and do DM me about questions to talk about and write about in my blogs and videos.

I will try and answer them to the best of my ability. Consider becoming a fan and writing comments for my blog I love reading comments and responding to them. I also love engaging with my Audience and with fans of my work.

Please Consider becoming a Patron and select a Tier Group and then I’ll see you in the Discord Server.


Thank You



  1. Thank You so much!
    I don't always have time to respond but thank you so much from the bottom of my heart it means a lot. Find me now on Medium as most of our operations begin to shift to Medium.

    Please Share if possible!!


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