Blog 6: Weekly Shortlist #6, Why EV Stocks are the Next Big Thing and how the 2020 elections affect the economy going forward


Blog 6: Weekly Shortlist#6, Why EV Stocks are the Next Big Thing and how the 2020 elections affect the economy going forward

 2021 is here and Wall Street is rallying towards an all-time high in its debut week but then again this is expected. 2021 IS AIMING HIGH as we make up for all the stuff that made 2021 as bad as basically living in hell as we wished for death every second of it.

Now that 2021 is in let’s get it these are the five best stocks of 2021!!

  1. Tesla(TSLA): The Electric Car Maker and Stock Market Juggernaut has officially made its CEO the richest man on Earth. Elon Musk is now worth about 195 Billion dollars after Tesla’s stock reached new heights this year hitting a price of 857.41 at the end of the trading day. Tesla has consistently broken records or met its goals for the last ten months. With the Tesla bubble reinflating there has never been a better time to buy or sell the stock.
  2. NIO(NIO): The Chinese Electric Car Maker had grown over 1000% in 2020 and is expected to grow just as much as its American Counterpart this year. Nio has a lot of long-term growth potential and it’s making moves in 2021, Nio is expected to grow at a healthy 10% rate month over month for the next few years as it continues to play catch up With its US lookalike Tesla. I swear going to their website is like Deja Vu hitting you in the face like a freakin cement truck.
  3. QuantumSpace(QS): QuantuumSpace has spent a lot of time down on the market and it's been pretty consistent. So why is it on my list? Well, like all of the products and companies I rave about it’s got a lot of long-term potential and exponential growth.QS develops LI-ION Batteries and most of their tech derives itself from EV manufacturers and producers.
  4. SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust(SPY): This Grouping of Shares will do you a lot of good in 2021. Let me explain. 2021 is a weird year, to begin with. Coming into the year we are exactly where we left off in 2020, the Economy is starting to pick up but is still struggling to gain any traction. IPO’s are flying off the shelve like candy and so I guess what I’m trying to say is that you should be a bit more bold investment-wise but always have a limit. The SPDR trust is a very moderate and conservative trust where lots of investors use as a failsafe and in 2021 it seems likely that there will be a lot of financial reliance on this new market. As the biggest ETF on the face of the earth, there’s a lot of safety in this trust and in trusts as a whole.
  5. Invesco QQQ Trust Series 1(QQQ): Another good trust, QQQ will continue to grow in size and volume as it gains more and more attention. QQQ is not a Tech ETF but holds some of the most prominent tech companies in it’s portfolio. QQQ has big potential for growth as it is a diversified trust in a very different asset class. It’s a very complex Trust but it is always gonna be a safe place to put money.

Why I love EV Stocks and why they really are the next big thing?

EV stocks have been a rare commodity since 2004’s Tesla’s Debut. Tesla was a weird stock when it IPO’d in 2010 for 17 dollars on the NYSE. While it has now moved to the S&P500 it has become a big part of the international economy and just this year it created an army of millionaires who rally with Elon Musk. Elon is notorious for weird tweets, hooking up with actresses, eccentricities no one understands, his brain, and Tesla, the Boring Company, Neuralink, OpenAI, and SpaceX, but the man is extremely influential, and while he himself is the most powerful man on the planet he has a kind heart and wishes to use his money for the good of the people. Getting back to EV’s, Ev’s are the future for three reasons and The Green New Deal is a part of it but it’s minuscule in the grand scheme of things. Here are three factors that make EV Stocks a buy.

  1. Heightened Emissions Regulations: Emissions regulations are some of the highest factors limiting the Auto Industry today and it’s where EV’s thrive.EV’s don’t need gas or special mechanics at all in fact they barely ever need a lot of maintenance. EV’s don’t produce any emissions and they don’t need most of the things that gas cars need like ventilation in tunnels making them safe for The Boring Tunnels. EV’s also don’t require a lot of ventilation or anything that a gas car requires and so this makes it the perfect vehicle in a way. This makes it harder for normal automakers to produce vehicles
  2. The Energy Shift: Electrics are moving in the right direction this year and EV’s are in the limelight to hit that shift on queue. With Solar and Home Charging becoming increasingly more popular, EV’s are becoming more popular with everyday people. Some EV’s cost in the 35’s and some are worth millions but EV’s are the culmination of technology. 
  3. The Value: EV stocks are treated a lot like Tech Companies and companies like Tesla have multi-hundred billion Valuations at the moment Tesla is near the trillion-dollar mark and could hit the Trillion dollar mark this year.EV’s are a very integral part of the evolution of the EV market but they do have their drawbacks 
  4. Overall market diversification: EV Stocks range from everything from the manufacturers themselves to Chassis Producers to Battery Makers to Suppliers and such. Tesla is one manufacturer that builds everything in house. It’s visible to me that EVs can grow steadily and at a rapid pace independently and reliably.

How the 2020 elections affect the outcome of the market this year

The market is a scary place and politics makes it worse because the thought process behind each party provides the market with a nice push to determine its trend. Right now most of those are in the Energy, EV, Banking, Financial Services, Tech, and Retail Sectors allowing for those stocks to grow. The outcome of the Elections is equally important as it determines how the market will grow. With Anti-Trust Hearings going on for a few of the biggest companies such as Google, Amazon, Facebook, Twitter, and Alibaba just being a few the US market is a strange place to be in right now. The US and frankly the world is in a catastrophic state, unemployment is sky-high, a virus is rampaging killing nearly a million people already and so the US could bear to see some light at the end of the tunnel. Guys, the Pandemic is near its end and we could be back by Summer’s End(Around mid-August)2021 if all goes to plan A vaccine drive is being started at every point across the country and it has a large drive to push the market in a new direction as Moderna, Pfizer/BioNTech, Johnson and Johnson have all been approved or are in the process of approvals for Emergency Distribution at the moment. Retail Stocks are preparing to rally high and so are Entertainment Stocks.

Joe and his administration can afford no mistakes at all they are also behind due to Trump’s inconsistencies and his tenure to not concede and to refuse info to the people. This is dangerous but it will have to get the job done. Guys, this is a weird time and Joe will have to maintain or upgrade the market by a lot to keep it going for the next four years. Joe and his parties' main priority is to keep it up and high while achieving new numbers and records in the Senate and the Presidency. This will not be easy but will yield lots of results as it makes the market more predictable rather than less.

I wanna take this last paragraph to reject and voice my opinion on all the actions that happened on 1/6/2021, that day was an absolute tragedy and while I know they are good people whose intentions may have seemed evil regardless they are still human and for that matter so is Trump. I do not condone or incite violence, I do not Endorse it and I do not act upon it as an outlet for something that happened months ago. While I understand or am trying to understand the point of view of those who invade our hallowed grounds, to you I say this, You did not win. This is a very unpredictable era of democracy and while it hung in the balance, you committed the unspeakable. You invaded what is known as a sanctuary of Modern Democracy and Freedom, You Ruined the Reputation of our countries in the eyes of the people of the world, you incited actions many of which are dealt with serious repercussions. My final question is “What is really worth it?” To you, it may be yes, but in the long run, I hope that does turn no. You were responsible for many types of crime many of which can get you there for unimaginable periods of time and I see now that this country should be held accountable and its institutions on which it is laid be updated and more specific to allow less leniency on the powers of democracy and freedom in a way that doesn’t interfere with the COTUS.

On a better note, Guys, I have loved doing my research for this trading week and I really enjoyed it. You guys are all amazing and I hope I see you next week. Catch me on youtube, my other social media, and on my other blog, the links will be below. 


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