So this is my first actual blog........

 Well, we've come to the point at which I have to make my first blog... So hello and welcome to my blogpost. If you are new to my Blogs or Vlogs my name is Akshith and I make Finance Videos for Youtube. 

If you would like please check out my Youtube Channel, link will be down below at the end of this blog

If you'd like to suggest a video for me to do, I'd like that please go to the discussions page where I've started a discussion post for that so please suggest something and do send me memes to react to. 

Now that the formalities are out of the way, So this is my first watchlist post for the month and I will say after tons of analytics  I have come to the conclusion that there are a lot of unconventional stocks that will make you rich. 

So let's dive into it... This is my Monthly Stock List Next week we shall get into the weekly stock lists, I'll add the links for these so that you can keep up to date with the latest price updates and news from these companies.

At the beginning of Each month, I will show you a list of all my favorite stock picks and why I'm investing in them and I will rate their long-term investment capacities below. So let's Get into it

Stock 1: Pfizer Inc.(PZE): Pfizer is one of the world's biggest Pharma companies and while it trades in the NYSE like a G it isn't a stock I'd like to recommend you keep for a long period of time. Pfizer is often faced with terrible lawsuits that it can't back up and with a lot of controversial news which lower its stock price. But today, it sits at $40.23, Pfizer is also a good stock to fractionally invest in so that you can minimize risk and reduce asset losses.

Long-term Investment Rating(1-10): 4, Because of the controversy facing Pfizer but in the wake of a pandemic be prepared to dish out a few hundred dollars into Pfizer this winter because in January and February we can expect their stock price to rise exponentially.  

Stock 2: Tesla(TSLA): Tesla is an Electric Automotive Manufacturing and Energy Company. With Elon Musk at the helm, Anything is possible for this little company out of Hawthorne, California. With Tesla, this is a tricky one because Elon is the owner of four other companies who use or complement Tesla Products, SpaceX, Neuralink, OpenAI, and The Boring Company, because of that its best to say that one companies failures as a product can best effect this stock in good and bad ways that may drive the price higher. Tesla's has had its best performing year in its sixteen-year history this year heading for 2500 per share before having a 5:1 stock split in September but since then the stock has been performing relatively well. Today the stock sits at a price of 596.70 for every five shares. Tesla is an Exceptional Stock to fractionally invest in so that you can minimize losses and reduce asset losses.

Long-term Investment Rating(1-10): 9, Tesla is nailing its targets, and this year alone they have hit almost all of their performance benchmarks. In terms of investing Tesla still has a lot of exponential growth left. It's safe to say Tesla is looking for more capital to lower costs, fund R&D, and lower vehicle prices but they will most likely have no problem getting that capital. Personally, I have invested in Tesla for a while now almost 7 months now and since my rate of return is huge with a fractional investment I urge you to do it as well. The entrance of Joe Biden to the Presidential Office and his plans for Green energy and his 2T dollar investment in Solar and Other Renewable Energy means Tesla's Stock Price has a bright future ahead of itself. Just be careful before doing it as Tesla's stock is and can be volatile at times and it can be risky, Elon has often said that Tesla's stock is too expensive but what can you do about it? My advice Keep an eye on the news.

Stock 3:Moderna(MRNA): Moderna is a European Pharma Company and the First Company to have their  Vaccine Bid approved by a major world government as on Monday, the UK has approved Moderna's Vaccine as it has a 94.5% success rate and doesn't require lots of Cold Storage. Moderna's stock has had a history of being a letdown but in 2020 it's quadrupled. Moderna is a Good Stock to fractionally invest in so that you can minimize losses and reduce asset losses.

Long-term Investment Rating(1-10): 6, Moderna would be good to invest in for the next year or so but not much longer than that, I would say. In 2021, I can see that the stock may take a long hike to stock price heaven as many people have called it the next millionaire stock. I've put some money in Moderna as of Monday Morning but I hope to see it rise in 2021 so I can sell with a decent profit.

Stock 4: Amazon(AMZN): Amazon is one of the most valuable companies on the planet worth nearly 1.6T and while this is a remarkable number it does not mean that Amazon will never see a growth rate as tremendous as that of December 2018-February 2019 which catapulted Jeff Bezos to be the first man to hit a net of 100 billion and since this year Amazon had its new all-time high of 3,300 and made Jeff the first man to hit a net worth of 200 Billion or more. Expect to see Amazon make a huge return over the next year or so but this week I'd hope to see about a 2.5% or higher return.

Long-term Investment Rating(1-10):8, Amazon's stock has been known to catapult over time but the problem with that is that the stock is extremely unpredictable because of its relatively high price and because of the controversy surrounding Jeff Bezos. With the 2020 elections, We can hope to See Amazon's holdings broken up or reduced due to monopoly laws. Even then Amazon's stock is a good stock to buy and hold, just sell with caution.

Stock 5: Carnival Cruise Lines(CCL): Carnival took a giant hit and lost 55% of its price at the beginning of the Pandemic in March and while these businesses have struggled they have come back like never before and that's due to the introduction of Vaccines and the release of such strict restrictions. Carnival is an Amazing stock and while it lost a majority to the pandemic it is slowly crawling back up. With sales of tickets up 30% since March, we can expect a huge return as June 2021 comes around.  As of today, Carnival is at a price of $22.89.

Long-term Investment Rating(1-10):10, Carnival is definitely a long-term play and this portfolio pick is definitely something to play around with. This Month I would Expect Carnival to take a mild price-hike upwards and to plateau back and forth but it will move upwards in big and key ways to ensure its overall financial success in the overall future of this company.

Stock 6: Starbucks(SBUX): While Everyone loves a great cup of coffee, everyone has been buying from HEB but as Restrictions die down slowly expect more Starbucks chains to open Worldwide. While the Coffee Giant has been pretty dominant with their sales this pandemic season Starbucks is at an all-time high right now at $100.11 and the stock has a pretty good record and that reminds me to buy into Starbucks today.

Long-term Investment Rating(1-10): 5, I would rate this in the middle because Starbucks stores are going to take a while to get back to normal capacity and so to cater to that I would say that it would be wise to allow yourself to invest in Starbucks before the price goes ballistic.

I look forward to your feedback this week as we look into videos and into brainstorming my first video and if you like the blogs please do take time to like share and comment down below. I take a lot of time and effort onto writing these so it would mean a lot if you did any of these. Please do sub to my youtube channel it would mean a lot to me.

Thank you and See you Next Week

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