Welcome to my blog

Hey guys, 

So a bit of an introduction, I'm Akshith. I'm a funny finance nerd with experience in the Fractional Investing and Investing Scene. The picture above is of me at Time Square in NYC a few years ago. Sorry if I seemed a bit basic, I was 16 at the time. I do make a lot of Finance Videos on Youtube and I'm just starting out. I thought I'd write this blogpost to inaugurate the existence of my blog and the existence of my Youtube Channel. 

In my videos, some of my news may change considering the ever-changing nature of the Economy but this is where you can go to see my update on financial news and more tips on how that might work. We'll also go into tips on how to manage your financial assets and your day to day financial needs from Credit Cards to how to start a 401k right out of college while paying Student Loans off and the best way to do that.

These blogs will be pretty short but they will usually consist of a weekly and or monthly shortlist of my favorite stocks to invest in, a funny meme or two, and a tip or two from my comments and suggestions.

This blog will usually involve a lot of comments and you guys are free to use my shortlists and my recommendations for your portfolios, I'll also keep a list of trading strategies for our more volatile economy. This is also where you guys can interact and learn what you guys are doing for your  Financial portfolios and where I can interact with you all. I will try to post a blog at least once a week and a video biweekly on my YouTube Channel at any point in the week, I'm a college student at the moment can you blame me?

Find me on Youtube and do find me around on Social Media(Instagram and Twitter) @AkshithKonda, I have a feeling it's gonna be a fun ride.

Hope to see you on YouTube and on here and I definitely look forward to the blog and the videos

See Y'all


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